Still Not Drinking Water?

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Many of your health concerns may be stemming from the very simple fact that you are not consuming enough water. Our bodies are primarily composed of water, so it would make sense that replenishing it frequently is in our very best interest. Water moves minerals throughout the body and also moves toxins out. Stay mindful of how much water you are consuming.

To calculate a good amount for you personally, you’ll want to take your weight and divide it by 2. Whatever that number is, drink that much clean water in ounces per day. Tap water can do more harm than good so aim for spring or reverse osmosis water.

Many people experience dramatic improvements to their health simply by making the lifestyle choice to drink adequate amounts of water daily. 

“The following tips are compiled from the book, The Body’s Many Cries for Water by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. He has done extensive research on water and healing the body of chronic problems with increased water consumption.

  •  Many health problems are a consequence of dehydration.

  • These problems are the body’s way of signaling that it is thirsty.

  • Although a dry mouth is the only widely accepted indication of thirst, other earlier signals include: dyspepsia (heartburn), colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain, migraines and hangovers, asthma and allergies, low back pain, chronic fatigue, depression, angina and constipation.

  • Pain is the primary signal. A dry mouth is a late signal.

  • Medications such as antihistamines, anti-inflammatories, antacids, pain medications like aspirin are used to kill the signal of dehydration but do not correct it.

  • Histamine regulates water in the body. Increase in it signals a need for water.

  • The body gets energy from food or water. Osmosis of water through the cell membrane generates “hydroelectricity” for energy. When the body becomes low in energy, it signals for both food and water. We often choose food when water would satisfy.

  • Dehydration is a common problem. We are dehydrated for 2 reasons: loss of the sensation of thirst and drinking the wrong drinks. The body will stop asking for water if it gets no response. It will hold on to water because of the “drought.” It will not let go until it is certain that the supply is adequate over time.

  • Coffee, tea, alcohol and soda do not satisfy the need for water and actually dehydrate.

  • Thirst should be satisfied at all times.

  • Drink half your body weight in water (ounces) not juice. Drink one glass, one half hour before each meal; and, one glass, two and one half hours after each meal. Drink a glass before bed and an extra one before your biggest meal.

  • Add a glass after every glass of alcohol, coffee, tea or soda.

  • Gradually increase your number of glasses. Be sure urination is increasing as you increase water consumption.

  • Do not try to correct dehydration by over consuming. Drink half your body weight in water (ounces) faithfully each day and gradually you will correct the problem.

  • It is important to consume daily about ¼ teaspoon of unrefined salt (e.g. Celtic Sea Salt) for five glasses of water. Put ¼ teaspoon in one quart of water per day.

  • Excess urination at night often indicates dehydration. Excess thirst often indicates a lack of salt.

  • Exercise is an essential component.”

The information above can also be found here.


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